كائنٌ.. لا يكونُ
شيءٌ مُحالٌ
وفَناءٌ.. من الفناءِ تجرَّدْ.
أو متى قد وُلِدتَ ؟
ما عُدتُ أدري
أيّ يومٍ لمولدي كان يشهد.
سلْ عن الموتِ..
إنّما الموتُ عندي
كلَّ يومٍ ولادةٌ تتجدّد.
A birth certificate
By Saudi Poet Abdulla Beilla
Translated by Nizar Sartawi
Ask me not..
out of which lair
out of which river
or out of which rock will I be born.
A being… that does not be
is an inconceivable thing
a non-being… divested of non-being
Or when I was born
I no longer know
what day it was that witnessed my birth.
Enquire about death…
as death for me
is but a rebirth befalling every day.